Survey Brings Attention to Experiences of Military Students
The Military Kids Now 2020 Survey conducted by the Military Child Education Coalition reflects what military families already know: military life creates real challenges for military-connected students. Dr. Amanda Trimillos and Stacy Allsbrook-Huisman, authors of Seasons of My Military Student: Practical Ideas for Parents and Teachers, say they’re hopeful the…
Remote Learning: Scaling Virtual Walls
Virtual learning can create some very real obstacles, especially for military-connected students in the Season of Arriving. Navigating a new school and new home while trying to make friends in virtual classes may feel like facing a brick wall. Amanda Trimillos and Stacy Allsbrook-Huisman, coauthors of Seasons of My Military…
Back to School: Supporting Teachers Strengthens the Team
By Terri Barnes Building a strong student-advocacy team is essential for military-connected students. As the school year begins in a pandemic environment, now more than ever, the team-building strategy should include supporting teachers, as well as students. Military-connected students at new schools won’t be the only ones navigating a new…
Superintendent Emphasizes Support for Teachers, Students, Parents
By Terri Barnes Jesse Najera is the superintendent of Silver Valley Unified School District in California. He is also a member of the California State Council of the Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission. Military-connected students make up seventy-five percent of Silver Valley’s 2,200 students. The district’s seven schools, Pre-K to…
Stormy Season of Leaving: PCSing during the Pandemic
By Terri Barnes Military families moving in the midst of pandemic conditions are experiencing a stormy Season of Leaving. For these families, a solid exit plan and good communication are more important than ever, say Amanda Trimillos, EdD, and Stacy Allsbrook-Huisman, authors of Seasons of My Military Student: Practical Ideas…
Back to School Advice: Look for the New Kid
Stacy Allsbrook-Huisman for Scary Mommy — “Look for the new kid.” A common saying I tell my children as I help zip up their backpacks, arrange their clothes and tie their shoes preparing for the first day of school. It’s a simple saying, but one that can change the trajectory…
Five Ways Military Kids Clubs Help Students and Schools
A military kids club is a school organization especially for military-connected students. A military kids club helps military kids plug in quickly at a new school and community during the Season of Arriving, providing a venue for meeting other students with similar military-life experiences. “Although they come from different branches…
Exit Plan Cultivates a Healthy Season of Leaving
By Amanda Trimillos In the Season of Leaving, parents, teachers, and students work together to build an exit plan to cultivate a smooth transition from one school to another. A strong exit plan takes into account all the events, tasks, and actions leading up to the student’s last day of…
Midyear Moves: Transitions When School is in Full Swing
By Stacy Allsbrook-Huisman Moves for military families are usually associated with spring and summer months, a natural break in the school calendar. However, almost half of military transitions are midyear moves, often during the winter holidays. No matter what time of year a military-connected student changes schools, the Seasons of TransitionTM cycle…
Don’t Get Burned by the Summer Slide
Lizann Lightfoot for Military Families magazine – Every summer, students lose some of the skills and information gained over the school year. In some cases, this can mean up to two months of lost learning. Teachers refer to this regression as the summer slide. This can be particularly problematic for…