Questions for MIC3 Commissioners
Stacy Allsbrook-Huisman for Millie Journal — I can’t see the future. I don’t know what I need to prepare for when I’m withdrawing from one school, planning for the next. Even though we are an active duty military family of twenty-five years, it’s the first time I’ll have a middle…
Don’t Get Burned by the Summer Slide
Lizann Lightfoot for Military Families magazine – Every summer, students lose some of the skills and information gained over the school year. In some cases, this can mean up to two months of lost learning. Teachers refer to this regression as the summer slide. This can be particularly problematic for…
Parent, Educator Join Forces for Military Kids
Rebecca Alwine for Military Families magazine – Every good military spouse friendship has a story. The story of Stacy Allsbrook-Huisman and Amanda Trimillos began with their passion for helping other military families. They consulted on education stories, interviewed each other for various projects, and both contributed to Stories Around the Table:…
Switching Schools May Cause Poor Placement
Sarah Harris for NPR affiliate WUNC – More than 1 million school-age kids have parents on active duty in the US military, and the vast majority of those military kids go to public schools. Tamara Boyett is a senior at Indian River Central School in northern New York. Her dad…
Seasons of Change
Lisa Smith Molinari in Stars and Stripes – According to the authors of Seasons of My Military Student: Practical Ideas for Parents and Teachers, parents and educators should use a team approach to help military kids through transitions. Authors Amanda Trimillos, Air Force spouse, teacher, and mother of four, and Stacy…
Resilience and Challenge
Leah Shafer, Bari Walsh, Matt Weber in Usable Knowledge – “There are more than 2 million children in US classrooms whose parents are active-duty military service members, National Guard or reservists, or military veterans. Contending with frequent moves, new schools, and the echoes of deployments and separations, these military-connected kids carry a…
Teachers as Teammates
Stacy Allsbrook-Huisman for NMFA – “When my children enter a new school in a new home town, I hope they’ll have teachers who will differentiate between initial shyness and a continuing struggle to connect with peers. Because states vary widely in learning standards, my military kids need teachers who are responsive…
Education and Readiness
Jim Cowan and Marcus Lingenfelter in Proceedings magazine – “Ask any service member and he or she will tell you that the quality of education for their children is of top priority. In a direct hit on readiness, military families are making choices about whether to accept a particular duty…
The Helpful Education Binder
From Military Family Life – “When we moved from Germany, our son’s records were late arriving back to the States,” says Stacy Allsbrook-Huisman. “Because I had complete information in his Education Binder, things like past report cards, standardized tests, and examples of his work, the school was willing to place…