• Survey Brings Attention

    Survey Brings Attention to Experiences of Military Students

    The Military Kids Now 2020 Survey conducted by the Military Child Education Coalition reflects what military families already know: military life creates real challenges for military-connected students. Dr. Amanda Trimillos and Stacy Allsbrook-Huisman, authors of Seasons of My Military Student: Practical Ideas for Parents and Teachers, say they’re hopeful the…

  • Building Strong Networks of Support

    Military Family Life — When navigating and building support networks for military life, personal connections make all the difference. For all the moving pieces—transitions, mental health, school changes, deployment, and more—many avenues of support are available, and a few helping hands can bring those pieces together. Seasons of My Military Student…

  • Back to School Advice: Look for the New Kid

    Stacy Allsbrook-Huisman for Scary Mommy — “Look for the new kid.” A common saying I tell my children as I help zip up their backpacks, arrange their clothes and tie their shoes preparing for the first day of school. It’s a simple saying, but one that can change the trajectory…

  • Kindergarten: Ready or Not?

    Stacy Allsbook-Huisman for Military Spouse magazine — Kindergarten is a magical year, when eager little ones head to school for the first time. Ready to learn, ready to be independent, ready to grow. But not all children are ready to take the leap of freedom or pace of learning. Not all…

  • Questions for MIC3 Commissioners

    Stacy Allsbrook-Huisman for Millie Journal — I can’t see the future. I don’t know what I need to prepare for when I’m withdrawing from one school, planning for the next. Even though we are an active duty military family of twenty-five years, it’s the first time I’ll have a middle…

  • Parent, Educator Join Forces for Military Kids

    Rebecca Alwine for Military Families magazine – Every good military spouse friendship has a story. The story of Stacy Allsbrook-Huisman and Amanda Trimillos began with their passion for helping other military families. They consulted on education stories, interviewed each other for various projects, and both contributed to Stories Around the Table:…